Society is experiencing a drastic increase in complex, chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders. By incorporating functional medicine, which involves a deeper method of investigation and treatment, Naturopathic doctors find “why” a disease or imbalance is occurring. Conventional medicine only addresses “what” disease is occurring and what prescription or surgery is needed. A conventional medicine approach can be helpful for short term or acute care, but rarely is a solution for prevention or treatment of chronic disease.
Our team of Naturopathic doctors acquire clinical expertise in functional medicine as part of their training during their naturopathic medical program. Our clinic provides investigation and treatments through the latest in genetic science, systems biology and understanding how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease. We then provide a patient-centered approach to treatment where practitioners take time with patients, listening to concerns and applying customized strategies of treatment to both treat and prevent illnesses. Treatments may include botanical medicines, nutritional supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, in addition to counseling on lifestyle, exercise, and stress-management.
- Treat the person, not the disease. We are all genetically and biochemically unique. Functional medicine practitioners look at all potential factors that can influence health: background, experiences, genetic biases, spiritual and emotional state, socio-economic circumstances, etc.
- A patient-centered approach provides treatment uniquely designed for each patient to address their health concerns, goals and lifestyle. This approach is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values.
- Therapeutic partnership between patient and doctor engages the heart, mind and spirit of both practitioner and patient and empowers the patient to take a leading role in improving their health. This relationship also promotes moments of deep insight that contribute to more comprehensive answers to complex medical problems.
- Everything is connected. There is a complex interaction between the endocrine, gastrointestinal, and immune systems, as well as the environment. Symptoms affecting one system may be stemming from another. Functional medicine allows us to see deep into the functioning of the body to understand this complex web of interactions.
- Deeply science based, functional medicine involves staying current on cutting edge approaches in both the natural and allopathic fields to ensure patients receive the best care.
- The body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism. Disease is an imbalance of this process. With proper support and care the body can restore its own ability to heal and prevent nearly all the diseases of aging with minimal external intervention.
- Health is achieving immense vitality, not just the absence of disease. Health is a fully functional, optimal and harmonious flow of all the systems and organs of the body, mind and spirit.