Bryan Diehn, CFO
Chief Financial Officer
Director of Information Technology
Bryan recently joined our staff, full time, after retiring from 30 years in the computer industry. We are happy to welcome Bryan as he has been an integral part of this company from its inception, working behind the scenes in the evenings and on weekends. As a co-founder with Dr. Diehn, Bryan created the technology software and financial programs needed to manage and oversee the successful business operations and financial management for IMS. He utilized his computer skills and co-wrote the scheduling software, inventory management programs, patient management programs, as well as financial management statistical queries and analysis reports that are used to keep this office running smoothly and successfully. He oversees the technological upgrades and advances that are necessary each year to stay current in the industry. He also conducts vital research necessary to secure better and more efficient modes of operation for our facility.
Bryan shares a commitment with his wife, Dr. Diehn, seeing and believing that Lifestyle Medicine can and does make a difference in one’s health. He assisted and supported Dr. Diehn, while she attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in Tempe, Arizona. This allowed him to slowly change his own philosophy about his health and lifestyle, as she was developing her skill set. Bryan has had the benefit of applying these changes in his own life during his marriage with Dr. Diehn. He has applied clinical nutrition, diet, exercise, stress management, and lifestyle changes that have helped him reduce and alleviate his own risk factors in his family history.
Bryan is a dedicated and focused individual that is here to make your experience with the IMS staff and doctors as efficient and effective as it can be utilizing the tools and systems he has put in place. Bryan also assists IMS wherever needed, so some days he may answer phones, other days he may be helping out in the front office. Today, Bryan is on a mission with IMS to reduce lifestyle-related death and disease. Medicine is changing. Patients are realizing that treating only the symptoms with cost prohibitive drugs and medications are not changing or eradicating the cause. We must teach people a better way to live, eat, and heal the body from the inside out.
Bryan lives with his wife in the country where they enjoy their sanctuary, their animals, and their time to heal.